Friday, June 16, 2000

Alma 19:33

"And it came to pass that when Ammon arose he also administered unto them, and also did all the servants of Lamoni; and they did all declare unto the people the self-same thing--that their hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do evil."
Alma 19:33

I love this idea of your heart being changed... and not even having the desire to do evil.  I'm not sure I'm there, but I love the idea. :)  There is this Amy Grant song that I like... (from back when she did Christian music, not Country) Faithless Heart.  It talks about that internal war we have going on sometimes between our minds and hearts, and how hard it is sometimes to stay on the path when parts of yourself are trying to go different directions. :)  And I think that we get to the point at times in our lives where our hearts and minds are united and we know exactly what we want... but those times are unfortunately not as common as we would like.  And I think that the key is here... these people, on being converted to the Lord, also felt this unity of heart and mind so strongly that they had absolutely no desire to stray from God... they had symbolically AND literally been born again... and you know, I think that I get there at times.  It lasts for weeks... even months... but then I am back to being torn apart internally.  Just like it talks about in Alma 5 (paraphrased, but if you want to look it up it's Alma 5:26)... if you have felt to sing the song of redeeming love... if you have received this mighty change of heart... can ye feel so now?  I think that is the trick... learning some consistency, keeping your priorities straight even through the storms... and, if you *haven't* felt this mighty change of heart ever... then the trick is knowing that God is the source.  True conversion is undeniable like that... looking up at God one day and realizing that it isn't a war anymore... what he says makes a lot of sense. :)  It's a cool thing, something to look forward to. :)

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