Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Psalms 34:4 -- On Deliverance From Fear

"I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
Psalms 34:4

I like the idea here that God can deliver us from fear. God gives us a lot of advice about fear... if we are prepared we shall not fear, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, that perfect love casteth out all fear... and so many more. But here I think is the summation--that if we seek the Lord, he will hear us, and deliver us from our fears.

Sometimes fears are realistic, sometimes imaginary, sometimes irrational. But God says ALL. He can deliver us, and will deliver us, from all of them if we seek him. He will hear us, and help us. The only thing we should fear is having to face life, or eternity, without him.

Today, let's turn to the Lord. Let's seek his help, and tell him our fears. He will hear us and help us, if we are willing to take his advice.

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