Friday, December 8, 2023

Moses 3:7 -- On Spiritual Creation

"And I, the Lord God, formed man from the adust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the bbreath of life; and cman became a living dsoul, the efirst flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created; but spiritually were they created and made according to my word."
Moses 3:7

It says here that all things were spiritually created before they were physically created, which I think means that all things have some sort of soul, right? The idea that everything is part spiritual I find really interesting, and also cool, because that means everything is eternal in a way as well. Plants and animals and the earth and the stars... eternal because spirits can't die, and I love the idea of everything being alive and part of God's plan. In Luke 19 Christ tells the Pharisees that if he were to rebuke his disciples that "the stones would immediately cry out" ... and maybe that is absolutely literal. So many things seem to have additional meaning if we think of the spiritual side of all creation.

Today, let's think of the spiritual side, not just of rocks and plants and wildlife, but of the people around us. Let's remember that they are eternal along with all the rest, and that we are part of a great whole, with God at the center. Maybe we should stop for a minute and make sure that we are working for the good of all of it, as God directs, seeing the bigger picture instead of focusing only on our immediate surroundings. :)

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