Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Exodus 10:3 -- On Humility and Joy

"And Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, How long wilt thou refuse to humble thyself before me? let my people go, that they may serve me."
Exodus 10:3

This is part of the story of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, and this part made me think about how similar we are to the wicked Pharoah sometimes... kind of accepting God's word if it is interfering with our plans, but then going back to our selfish ways as soon as that particular impediment is past, and not learning the overall lesson of God's supremacy, our relationship to him, and our deep need for him both to learn from and to depend on for help and support.

Today, let's try to learn the basic lesson here of God's supremacy, so that we can move on to the gentler lessons and can feel the overwhelming love that he has for us and get his help with ... basically everything. :) Trying to live without him, or worse, oppose him or his plan, won't work out any better for us than it did for Pharoah. Instead let's dig in and learn more about God and why he does what he does. As we learn of him we will grow to understand his goals more, which allows us to trust him and participate in his plan more... and the ultimate goal of that plan is to help us all (even Pharoah) find joy, so I'm all in. :) The first step is just humbling ourselves enough to realize that God is there and that he has the power to help us find that joy..., and then to listen, and stick with the plan. :)

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