Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Jacob 2:18 -- On Priorities

"But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God."
Jacob 2:18

This is a pretty clear explanation of priorities. I think it goes hand in hand with 3 Nephi 13:33: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." ... If we trust in God, and put him and his kingdom first, which means taking care of each other, helping others, putting communication with God and his goals and commandments at the top of our priority lists, then we will always have what we need, including riches if they are necessary to the goals of God.

Today, let's look to God and make sure that we are placing his priorities first in our lives, and as we do, we can worry less about other things and know that the Lord will provide. ... That doesn't necessarily mean that we can hole up and just read the scriptures all day and not pay the rent. God wants us to put reasonable effort into providing for our families and we need to not *only* read his word, but figure out how to apply it in real world situations. Let's pray, seek God, and follow the Spirit, and he'll help us find that balance, helping us to live in the world and be financially responsible, and at the same time be generous with all, free with our substance (Jacob 2:17), and dedicated to building up his kingdom.

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