Tuesday, August 31, 2021

D&C 31:11 -- On Going Our Way, In His Direction

"Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do and whither you shall go."
Doctrine and Covenants 31:11

I love the idea of this... living by the spirit and not stressing out about what comes next or what *we* want, but willing to live according to what the Lord wants in each moment. The wording is awesome as well, because the Lord makes it clear that it is still our individual way. He's not asking everyone to go the same place and do the same thing... he's just asking us to go our way, and then let him guide us from there. The impetus for movement is ours, and the choice to be directed is also ours, and that choice can take us amazing and miraculous places.

I have had small bursts of this in my life, mostly on my mission, or on vacation... in situations where I needed to rely on the Lord more because I didn't know my own direction. And maybe that is the problem with the rest of life--that we cling to our direction (or non-direction) a little too well, and let ourselves get stuck in our own wills... what is comfortable and habitual instead of maybe what God wants us to change or do or be. In order to run into those sorts of things, we often have to be out there, going somewhere. Then the Holy Ghost can inspire us to go a little more in a certain direction... we just have to be going first. :) Still our way, but under His direction. :)

Today, let's try to get ourselves out of the rut of our own direction (or lack of direction) all the time and try letting ourselves be directed by the Lord more often. Even if going our way is virtual, let's do some things we wouldn't normally do and get going, then let God influence our direction. God's direction will always lead us to a far better place than our way alone.

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