Sunday, December 20, 2020

Psalms 101:3 -- On Setting Aside Evil

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me."
Psalms 101:3

I like the idea here of not looking on evil things.  Of course we have to live in this world, and we're going to see evil things, but I think that the point of this verse is that we aren't doing it ourselves or looking for it.  We're working on keeping our minds and hearts clean.

I think we underestimate how much things can get to us and harm us and our outlook on life.  I'm not saying to bury our heads in the sand and just ignore all bad things, but I think we can curate what gets mental time a lot better and not let it "cleave" to us, for our own mental health as well as for our connection with God.  There's a reason why we can't feel the spirit in certain situations or contexts, and avoiding wickedness is part of cultivating our relationship with God.

Today let's look for the good and not the evil.  Let's cut some of the bad out and replace it with good, as the Lord directs. :)  As we do, I think that our relationship with God will improve, as well as our own anxiety levels.  Seeing the good in the world can remind us that things are going to be okay. :)

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