Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Matthew 24:42 -- On Watching

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
Matthew 24:42

I like the idea here that we are watching for someone's return, more in a personal way where we aren't sure when exactly he is getting here, and we need to have the bed made up and dinner ready, but the timing is tricky. It's kind of an idea of maybe always being ready for someone... setting an extra space, making enough for someone else, being sure there is always room. Spiritually, it means not getting sidetracked and thinking that we can turn around and repent later, because we need to be ready. ... Of course, we already know all of this on some level. We're supposed to pray always and keep the Spirit with us. Those are gospel standards, but it's good to remember the reason behind it all... that Christ is coming, and we want to be ready for him when he gets here. Imagine that possibility, to have a chance to be blessed by his presence and to hear his teachings from his own mouth... to feel that love and to know him personally as his disciples did. What a great thing to prepare for. Let's make sure our lives are in order so we could possibly have such a chance. :)

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