Monday, May 17, 2021

Psalms 71:20-21 -- On Trouble and Paradise

"Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.
Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side."
Psalms 71:20-21

The juxtaposition of great and sore troubles and being resurrected is interesting here, again highlighting the fact that trouble is part of the plan. :) Afterward though, there is increase and comfort... so just like Lehi's dream which begins with darkness and confusion, we are all going to face that being lost in the wilderness feeling in life. "Great and sore troubles" come to everyone, and as we learn to deal with those, we learn who we are, and what joy and love are. And, if we pursue the path that leads to it, the tree of life, or the paradise of resurrection, perfection, and joy is waiting for all of us.

Today, let's follow God's path. The middle chapters aren't always fun, but God offers us joy in the midst of the journey too, and there is a guaranteed happy ending waiting for all of us if we stay on the path that God shows us, and stick with him when he helps us along the way.

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