Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Psalms 6:9 -- On Supplications and Answers

"The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer."
Psalms 6:9

This is a good reminder that we can have confidence that God hears our prayers.  It is tempting to stop praying sometimes as we experience doubts or fears about the reality of God, or about our own worthiness, thinking that God might not listen to us.  He always hears us.  I think that he also answers every prayer, though I knew that sometimes it doesn't see so.  Sometimes the answer is no, and sometimes the answer is that we need to study it out in our own minds.  Sometimes the answer is yes, but not now.

Let's try not to get into a genie mentality where we think that God just passes out wishes to us all, giving whether or not it is wise or destructive.  He is our parent, and his answers are designed to help us learn as well as grow and serve and love.  Let's realize that God will answer in many ways, and let's keep in contact with him, having confidence that, whatever we are, God will hear us.

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