Monday, June 15, 2020

John 16:33 -- On Peace in Tribulation

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

Christ says this on his last night of freedom before being arrested, and I think for his disciples it was in anticipation of some bad times ahead, but also a promise that they would get through it  and that things would get better.  And it is the same for us.  God sends us into the world to learn and become, and he knows it is going to be hard, but he also promises that we can get through it and that things will get better.

Tribulation is hard, by definition. :)  But in Christ we can have peace *anyway* ... and we can find ways to be of good cheer despite times of difficulty and sadness.  One of the reasons we can do this is because Christ offers us hope.  He overcame the world, so we know that the ending of each of our stories can be a happy ending through him.

Today, let's remember that tribulation is temporary.  Let's work on having the peace and the joy in our lives from knowing that there is a happy ending coming, no matter how bad the current chapter feels. :)

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