Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Isaiah 16:5 -- On Thrones and Truth

"And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness."
Isaiah 16:5

I really like this prophecy.  Can you imagine being judged by Christ himself--not in the "Final Judgement" sense, but with Christ being in place of our church and civil leadership?  I think it would be absolutely terrifying, but also amazing.  Terrifying in the sense that if you were doing something wrong, there is no way you can pretend otherwise, and amazing because you don't actually have to be afraid of telling the truth.  You know that Christ will be as merciful as possible and focus on helping you change rather than punishing you.  ... Which, I imagine, is why righteousness gets hastened by all of this. :)

Today, even though we likely aren't going to be physically standing before God's throne or in his court anytime soon, let's remember that Christ is our true judge *always.*  Let's be a little more afraid of doing things that are wrong, and lying about it, and a little less afraid of doing the right thing whether or not other people agree with us, and of being authentic.

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