Monday, March 2, 2020

Luke 12:34 -- On Hearts and Treasures

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Luke 12:34

This is a short verse, but a lot to think about.  If we really take stock of our lives and figure out what we care about, what we don't want to let go, what we spend a lot of time doing... those are likely our treasures.  And if our heart is there, is it dedicated to God?

That's a question that we all have to ask ourselves individually.  Sometimes the answer is clearly yes, because doing this thing or serving this person is also serving God in an appropriate way.  Sometimes it is going to be no, because that thing at the center of our lives is coming *before* God, or distracting us from him.

Today, let's think about this question of where our treasures and our hearts are, and then, if that's not where we want our priorities to be, then let's make some adjustments.  Let's show God, and ourselves, what really matters to us.

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