Friday, January 24, 2020

D&C 104:78-80 -- On Debts

"And again, verily I say unto you, concerning your debts—behold it is my will that you shall pay all your debts.
And it is my will that you shall humble yourselves before me, and obtain this blessing by your diligence and humility and the prayer of faith.
And inasmuch as you are diligent and humble, and exercise the prayer of faith, behold, I will soften the hearts of those to whom you are in debt, until I shall send means unto you for your deliverance."
D&C 104:78-80

I like that God involves himself in all parts of our lives, and not just what seems especially spiritual.  I mean, of course the whole universe is part of God's work, but we sometimes see God as separate from some parts of our lives, and it is good to remember that he is there to help us with all of it.

These verses were directed towards the church as an entity, but the principle applies for all of us.  As we work to do as God asks and pay our debts, and to be humble and prayerful, he will help us with our financial concerns as well as our more obviously spiritual concerns. :) ... Perhaps a good thing to keep in mind as tax time approaches.

Today, whether it is financial or not, let's turn to the Lord for help with fulfilling our obligations and being free from our burdens.

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