Thursday, September 6, 2018

D&C 64:31-32 -- On Things Coming to Pass In Their Time

"And behold, I, the Lord, declare unto you, and my words are sure and shall not fail, that they shall obtain it.
But all things must come to pass in their time."
Doctrine and Covenants 64:31-32

Earlier in this chapter God tells us that "it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man" (verse 23), which I think gives us some necessary context to this later verse.  God promises and assures us that his saints will receive an inheritance in Zion (verse 30), but that it will basically happen when it happens.  God's perspective and timescale are different, and he isn't trying to stress us out with delays, but is both teaching us patience, which we desperately need, but also helping us understand that things are going to be okay... always, all the time, and that there is *never* a time when they are not working out.  Faith and perspective make the difference.

I think that we get really focused on immediacy sometimes, and we are thinking "now, now, now" -- impatient to figure out what is going on or to have God tell us what comes next, when sometimes our impatience is exactly what is getting in our way or causing our peace to be disturbed.  The time interval between now and whenever the situation is resolved will remain the same whether we are upset about it or not.  We basically have the choice to stress out about it or to have faith.

This choice doesn't depend on the outcome.  Sometimes we base our faith in what *we* want to happen, and are thus disappointed.  Our faith should be in God, and in whatever he deems to be right for the situation.  Admittedly, that kind of faith is much harder.  God sometimes answers our prayers in exactly the way we really didn't want to see... but that's part of faith, right?  It is trusting in *God's* plan rather than in what we personally want, and knowing that his way is best, and will work out in the end, even if we don't necessarily enjoy the current phase of the plan. :)

Today, let's remember that God's timing is different than ours, and that focusing on our microscale time will only cause anxiety.  Let's learn to adapt and grow and move forward, no matter what we find before us.  As we do, we'll be able to take advantage of opportunities when God sends them to us.  We'll have a lot more internal peace as we trust God to take care of the things that we can't plan for, instead of worrying about those things ourselves.  Let's trust and listen, and be ready for the miracle. :)

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