Friday, June 22, 2018

Alma 18:22 -- On Relationships and the Lord's Way

"Now Ammon being wise, yet harmless, he said unto Lamoni: Wilt thou hearken unto my words, if I tell thee by what power I do these things? And this is the thing that I desire of thee."
Alma 18:22

I like this part of the story of Ammon, partly because of Ammon's response here.  Lamoni offers him basically anything he wants, and Ammon just asks if he will listen as he answers his question.

I think sometimes it is hard to think of everyone as our brothers and sisters, and treat them as well as we treat ourselves (Jacob 2:17).  Ammon could have gotten rich here, or gained influence, or many other things that we often seek.  Instead though, he just asks to be heard.  And before this, Ammon's missionary approach wasn't to just walk in and tell everyone they were wrong and he was right and everyone better repent or go to hell.  Instead, being offered more, he chose to become Lamoni's servant.  He consistently shows compassion and love, getting to know people rather than just trying to convince them to believe as he does.

Today, let's look to God and do things his way.  It's tough sometimes to take the time and build relationships with people rather than just calling them to repentance.  As with all else that God asks though, the effort to do things his way is totally worth it, teaching us faith and patience and love and service, and so much else... including helping us to connect with other people, which is kind of a self-contained reward. :)

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