"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.
And it came to pass that Ether did prophesy great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not.
And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
Ether 12:4-6
Faith really ties all of this together... the hoping for a better world part especially, but a place at the right hand of God? Wow. Faith can be difficult though, which is why we are asked to "dispute not because ye see not" ... just because we don't see something doesn't mean it isn't true. We need to remember that spiritual senses can produce evidence as well, and keep the spirit with us, which can testify of all truth.
Today, let's remember that witness comes later, and we need to go through some of these trials of our faith in order to build up our spiritual senses, not to mention our patience, which can make us whole (James 1:4).
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Joel 2:13 -- On Breaking Our Hearts
"And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil."
Joel 2:13
In Old Testament times it was common to tear your clothes if something really bad happened... it showed people how upset you were. :) Here, God tells us to tear our hearts, not our clothes... sort of like telling us to offer a broken heart and a contrite spirit, but this way seems a little more active. God asking us to break our own hearts. :)
Why would we do that? Having a broken heart is a very painful thing... choosing that kind of pain is difficult. I think what God is saying here makes a lot of sense though... crying and tearing our clothes and saying how awful it is isn't going to change anything... if we are sincerely upset by events that happen, the best thing to do is to change ourselves, since that is the only thing that we have control of.
As we adjust our hearts and minds, we will see God’s way, and that it is so much better. Not just better for God, but better for us… because he only asks us to go through this kind of pain because he loves us and he knows it is necessary. Yes, it is a very painful choice ... but it is also the only one where something actually changes. Standing in the street, tearing our clothes and crying about how awful and unfair it all is won't make a difference. Instead, let’s break open our own hearts, feel the pain of change, and become newer and better, with God's help.
Then we won't have anything to complain about, and whenever our hearts get broken, it will be our own wise choices that do it. Better than letting the world control us and change us… we can learn to change ourselves, with God’s help.
Joel 2:13
In Old Testament times it was common to tear your clothes if something really bad happened... it showed people how upset you were. :) Here, God tells us to tear our hearts, not our clothes... sort of like telling us to offer a broken heart and a contrite spirit, but this way seems a little more active. God asking us to break our own hearts. :)
Why would we do that? Having a broken heart is a very painful thing... choosing that kind of pain is difficult. I think what God is saying here makes a lot of sense though... crying and tearing our clothes and saying how awful it is isn't going to change anything... if we are sincerely upset by events that happen, the best thing to do is to change ourselves, since that is the only thing that we have control of.
As we adjust our hearts and minds, we will see God’s way, and that it is so much better. Not just better for God, but better for us… because he only asks us to go through this kind of pain because he loves us and he knows it is necessary. Yes, it is a very painful choice ... but it is also the only one where something actually changes. Standing in the street, tearing our clothes and crying about how awful and unfair it all is won't make a difference. Instead, let’s break open our own hearts, feel the pain of change, and become newer and better, with God's help.
Then we won't have anything to complain about, and whenever our hearts get broken, it will be our own wise choices that do it. Better than letting the world control us and change us… we can learn to change ourselves, with God’s help.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Doctrine and Covenants 101:5
"For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified."
Doctrine and Covenants 101:5
I think this is really good... comes back to the whole parental role that God has in our lives. If we can't be corrected... if we never listen to someone who has already been there... then we're doomed to make more and more mistakes. Sanctification requires us to improve, to get better, to purify. And if we keep trying to solve the same problems in the same way that continues to fail, then we aren't going forward. I'm not saying that chastening is fun... but it is a good thing, and it does bring us closer to God. And seriously, it is a lot more fun to be on track and feeling good about yourself with a little bit of hope about the future than it is to feel like you keep making the same mistake over and over and over and over again, and that life is pointless. God doesn't chasten us out of a desire to hurt us, and he doesn't delight in our discomfort. He loves us... he loves us enough to tell us when we are doing it wrong, and to help us learn how to do it right. But we have to take the first step, and listen... and then do something about it. God always prepares the way. :) So, when God lets us know that we are headed in the wrong direction... let’s not get angry and demand to go our own way. He can see the road ahead a lot better than we can, and he knows what will happen to us if we continue. We shouldn’t drive off the cliff out of pure rebellion. (ouch.) And... if we already have jumped off the cliff... maybe we should accept the rope that he throws down to us, and the healing that he offers. :)
Doctrine and Covenants 101:5
I think this is really good... comes back to the whole parental role that God has in our lives. If we can't be corrected... if we never listen to someone who has already been there... then we're doomed to make more and more mistakes. Sanctification requires us to improve, to get better, to purify. And if we keep trying to solve the same problems in the same way that continues to fail, then we aren't going forward. I'm not saying that chastening is fun... but it is a good thing, and it does bring us closer to God. And seriously, it is a lot more fun to be on track and feeling good about yourself with a little bit of hope about the future than it is to feel like you keep making the same mistake over and over and over and over again, and that life is pointless. God doesn't chasten us out of a desire to hurt us, and he doesn't delight in our discomfort. He loves us... he loves us enough to tell us when we are doing it wrong, and to help us learn how to do it right. But we have to take the first step, and listen... and then do something about it. God always prepares the way. :) So, when God lets us know that we are headed in the wrong direction... let’s not get angry and demand to go our own way. He can see the road ahead a lot better than we can, and he knows what will happen to us if we continue. We shouldn’t drive off the cliff out of pure rebellion. (ouch.) And... if we already have jumped off the cliff... maybe we should accept the rope that he throws down to us, and the healing that he offers. :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
James 1:8
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
James 1:8
This is really good, despite its brevity... there are so many things in life pulling us different ways. But the many things boil down to two... God and Satan. And so often, we can't decide between the two. We’re like... "well... can't I have just a *little* bit of Satan's plan?" ... but like C. S. Lewis says... we have to give up even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of hell, if we are going to commit to heaven. You can't think that the roller coaster in Satan’s amusement park is better. People die on that ride. Scary and dangerous and little bits of death crowding into your soul. You have to let it go. God's park has better rides... and they are safe safe safe. Maybe they aren't as scary... but isn't that a *good* thing? We can't go through our lives letting the wind blow us whatever way it wants to. We can't run from God to Satan and back again all the time and think that is okay, and the right thing to do. We have to decide... commit. And then throw everything we have and are into the decision. Oh, and by the way... the correct decision is God. :) Heaven is such a better place. Real happiness, deep happiness... not shallow thrills that disappear in an instant, leaving you with regret. Love that never dies, or even gets sick... :) Constancy, confidence... truth. Good stuff. Today... let go of your little refrigerator magnets that you picked up at the Hell gift shop... and dedicate yourself to a superior brand of entertainment. :) God's offerings are better quality, and better, longer-lasting fun... no contest. :)
James 1:8
This is really good, despite its brevity... there are so many things in life pulling us different ways. But the many things boil down to two... God and Satan. And so often, we can't decide between the two. We’re like... "well... can't I have just a *little* bit of Satan's plan?" ... but like C. S. Lewis says... we have to give up even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of hell, if we are going to commit to heaven. You can't think that the roller coaster in Satan’s amusement park is better. People die on that ride. Scary and dangerous and little bits of death crowding into your soul. You have to let it go. God's park has better rides... and they are safe safe safe. Maybe they aren't as scary... but isn't that a *good* thing? We can't go through our lives letting the wind blow us whatever way it wants to. We can't run from God to Satan and back again all the time and think that is okay, and the right thing to do. We have to decide... commit. And then throw everything we have and are into the decision. Oh, and by the way... the correct decision is God. :) Heaven is such a better place. Real happiness, deep happiness... not shallow thrills that disappear in an instant, leaving you with regret. Love that never dies, or even gets sick... :) Constancy, confidence... truth. Good stuff. Today... let go of your little refrigerator magnets that you picked up at the Hell gift shop... and dedicate yourself to a superior brand of entertainment. :) God's offerings are better quality, and better, longer-lasting fun... no contest. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
3 Nephi 18:20
"And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."
3 Nephi 18:20
This is from a chapter when Christ is on earth, talking to the people about prayer. I really like it. I don't know that it is necessarily always easy to have this kind of faith up front, but that is part of the process of prayer. As we talk to God daily in prayer, and get to know him, we learn more and more that he cares about us and wants to give us those things that will assist us in this life. This verse goes over some specific requirements for our requests. Firstly, when we pray (always to the Father), we should do it in the name of Jesus Christ. Secondly, our request has to be right... in accordance with the gospel and God's will. We can't ask for anything that will hurt us or other people, or that we are going to use for a questionable purpose. Or rather, we *can* ... but we won't get it from God. And thirdly, we have to believe... have faith that God will grant us our righteous request. Sometimes that is hard, when we're down, or when we lose some hope... but as we develop a relationship with God through prayer (or perhaps renew a relationship), I think that we start to understand how much God *wants* to bless us and help us... and that he will indeed grant us the good desires of our hearts, as we come to him, and work towards them in our lives. And I think that part of that believing is working towards it... making our lives ready to receive the blessing that we've asked for. Today, let's examine our lives, and make ready for the blessings that we want, and then go to God and humbly ask for them. He loves us, and if the things that we ask fit into our lives and won't hurt us, he would love to grant them to us. :)
3 Nephi 18:20
This is from a chapter when Christ is on earth, talking to the people about prayer. I really like it. I don't know that it is necessarily always easy to have this kind of faith up front, but that is part of the process of prayer. As we talk to God daily in prayer, and get to know him, we learn more and more that he cares about us and wants to give us those things that will assist us in this life. This verse goes over some specific requirements for our requests. Firstly, when we pray (always to the Father), we should do it in the name of Jesus Christ. Secondly, our request has to be right... in accordance with the gospel and God's will. We can't ask for anything that will hurt us or other people, or that we are going to use for a questionable purpose. Or rather, we *can* ... but we won't get it from God. And thirdly, we have to believe... have faith that God will grant us our righteous request. Sometimes that is hard, when we're down, or when we lose some hope... but as we develop a relationship with God through prayer (or perhaps renew a relationship), I think that we start to understand how much God *wants* to bless us and help us... and that he will indeed grant us the good desires of our hearts, as we come to him, and work towards them in our lives. And I think that part of that believing is working towards it... making our lives ready to receive the blessing that we've asked for. Today, let's examine our lives, and make ready for the blessings that we want, and then go to God and humbly ask for them. He loves us, and if the things that we ask fit into our lives and won't hurt us, he would love to grant them to us. :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Doctrine and Covenants 25:10
"And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better."
Doctrine and Covenants 25:10
I really, really like this. We get wrapped up sometimes in this world, and the things thereof... money, candy, movies, cars, houseboats... whatever it is. :) And they are fun, and exciting, and not even necessarily bad, unless we put them before God. But in the end, they mean so very little... because our lives are meant to prepare us for something much, much better. The things beyond this world matter so much more. :) So, definitely not saying it is evil to like our cars, or to watch a good movie, or to invest in a houseboat... but our focus should be beyond these things. In this verse God asks us to lay those things aside in order to seek for the things of a better world. Today, let's look at our lives and see what we can do toward that goal. Could we help someone out instead of buying a ninth car? :) Should we spend our time playing this video game, or go volunteer somewhere? ... Is there someone that would get a lot of happiness out of that movie that we bought and only watched once? Do we really need that houseboat, or could we do something more afterlife-friendly? ... and absolutely not saying either that we can't take time to relax or de-stress. I think we need those times in our lives. Just maybe we can look, and make sure we aren't ignoring heaven in order to enjoy earth. :)
Doctrine and Covenants 25:10
I really, really like this. We get wrapped up sometimes in this world, and the things thereof... money, candy, movies, cars, houseboats... whatever it is. :) And they are fun, and exciting, and not even necessarily bad, unless we put them before God. But in the end, they mean so very little... because our lives are meant to prepare us for something much, much better. The things beyond this world matter so much more. :) So, definitely not saying it is evil to like our cars, or to watch a good movie, or to invest in a houseboat... but our focus should be beyond these things. In this verse God asks us to lay those things aside in order to seek for the things of a better world. Today, let's look at our lives and see what we can do toward that goal. Could we help someone out instead of buying a ninth car? :) Should we spend our time playing this video game, or go volunteer somewhere? ... Is there someone that would get a lot of happiness out of that movie that we bought and only watched once? Do we really need that houseboat, or could we do something more afterlife-friendly? ... and absolutely not saying either that we can't take time to relax or de-stress. I think we need those times in our lives. Just maybe we can look, and make sure we aren't ignoring heaven in order to enjoy earth. :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Genesis 19:17
"And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed."
Genesis 19:17
I've always thought that the story of Lot's wife was kind of symbolic... about not looking to the past, but living in the present. Not falling back into bad habits, that sort of thing... but reading about it in this verse, it seems a little bit different. It reminds me of Indiana Jones running for his life in front of that gigantic boulder. If he had stopped to look back at any point, he would have been run over and killed. Still seems symbolic to me, just in a different way. :) Maybe it is a warning that unless we take the Lord's path with speed, that our personal obstacles will have a chance to catch up with us, and overrun us from behind. :) Escaping sin is like this I think... we have to run for our lives, or be consumed. Today, let’s take God’s advice and escape for our lives, not looking back.
Genesis 19:17
I've always thought that the story of Lot's wife was kind of symbolic... about not looking to the past, but living in the present. Not falling back into bad habits, that sort of thing... but reading about it in this verse, it seems a little bit different. It reminds me of Indiana Jones running for his life in front of that gigantic boulder. If he had stopped to look back at any point, he would have been run over and killed. Still seems symbolic to me, just in a different way. :) Maybe it is a warning that unless we take the Lord's path with speed, that our personal obstacles will have a chance to catch up with us, and overrun us from behind. :) Escaping sin is like this I think... we have to run for our lives, or be consumed. Today, let’s take God’s advice and escape for our lives, not looking back.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
1 Timothy 6:18
"That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate."
1 Timothy 6:18
This is a short verse, but there is so much packed in there. Rich in good works… so much more important than being monetarily rich, then ready to distribute… which I think is talking about our willingness to give to others. And then communication. I love that communication is part of the gospel? I mean, everything is of course part of the gospel, but cool that God mentions it here. Prayer is a good form of communication, but this scripture doesn't specify that form, so I think that it goes further.... We need each other on this earth... we need each other to build a righteous community. That includes good works, distribution, and communication. We need each other as part of life’s test (Neal A. Maxwell said that we are each other's clinical experience). Almost everything we are learning in this life involves other people. We learn to interact, to love, to listen... to do good, to distribute, to communicate. Every person we interact with on this earth is there for a reason... part of the plan. So, today, let's help each other pass today's test. :) And, inasmuch as it is possible... have fun doing it. :)
1 Timothy 6:18
This is a short verse, but there is so much packed in there. Rich in good works… so much more important than being monetarily rich, then ready to distribute… which I think is talking about our willingness to give to others. And then communication. I love that communication is part of the gospel? I mean, everything is of course part of the gospel, but cool that God mentions it here. Prayer is a good form of communication, but this scripture doesn't specify that form, so I think that it goes further.... We need each other on this earth... we need each other to build a righteous community. That includes good works, distribution, and communication. We need each other as part of life’s test (Neal A. Maxwell said that we are each other's clinical experience). Almost everything we are learning in this life involves other people. We learn to interact, to love, to listen... to do good, to distribute, to communicate. Every person we interact with on this earth is there for a reason... part of the plan. So, today, let's help each other pass today's test. :) And, inasmuch as it is possible... have fun doing it. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
John 5:39
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
John 5:39
A very specific and pointed verse today: Search the scriptures. So many times in our lives we think that so many things could be solved if God would just speak to us, tell us what we need to do... tell us what he wants, what he expects of us personally. And sometimes we do get those moments when we are connected to him, when he speaks to us, in prayer, or in other moments of absolute clarity. But he doesn’t usually clarify those things that we can find out for ourselves… and God does tell us what he expects of us, what he wants us to do every day... right here in the pages of the scriptures. Knowing them well can teach us about ourselves, about the world we live in, about other people, and a lot about God. We can get to know him... we can learn about how to gain eternal life... topics that are more important than anything we are learning at school, or on the job. Sometimes we think… “oh, yeah, the Book of Mormon. I’ve read it.” … and it is scary that we sometimes think that we already know the answers to these questions... that we can be so content with the little we know. The scriptures are like Shakespeare (better I’m sure)... there are layers and depths of meaning in there. Take faith for instance. Who can say that they know all there is to know about faith, and the power that it has in people's lives? No-one can. No matter how much we’ve seen or known, there is still so much more there… layers upon layers. The scriptures are a major way that God speaks directly to us… and it is all about us. About the power that we have individually to change the world, to lift other people, to make life better... even when things are horrible. About standing up for what we believe, no matter what. About finding out who we are, and who God is... about listening to the truth instead of listening to lies... about learning to love, about kindness... about what to do when everything goes wrong. About what to do when everything goes right... about what to do when we have no idea where to go or who can help us... everything we need to know. :) Today, let’s search the scriptures, for they testify of God, and help us to know him.
John 5:39
A very specific and pointed verse today: Search the scriptures. So many times in our lives we think that so many things could be solved if God would just speak to us, tell us what we need to do... tell us what he wants, what he expects of us personally. And sometimes we do get those moments when we are connected to him, when he speaks to us, in prayer, or in other moments of absolute clarity. But he doesn’t usually clarify those things that we can find out for ourselves… and God does tell us what he expects of us, what he wants us to do every day... right here in the pages of the scriptures. Knowing them well can teach us about ourselves, about the world we live in, about other people, and a lot about God. We can get to know him... we can learn about how to gain eternal life... topics that are more important than anything we are learning at school, or on the job. Sometimes we think… “oh, yeah, the Book of Mormon. I’ve read it.” … and it is scary that we sometimes think that we already know the answers to these questions... that we can be so content with the little we know. The scriptures are like Shakespeare (better I’m sure)... there are layers and depths of meaning in there. Take faith for instance. Who can say that they know all there is to know about faith, and the power that it has in people's lives? No-one can. No matter how much we’ve seen or known, there is still so much more there… layers upon layers. The scriptures are a major way that God speaks directly to us… and it is all about us. About the power that we have individually to change the world, to lift other people, to make life better... even when things are horrible. About standing up for what we believe, no matter what. About finding out who we are, and who God is... about listening to the truth instead of listening to lies... about learning to love, about kindness... about what to do when everything goes wrong. About what to do when everything goes right... about what to do when we have no idea where to go or who can help us... everything we need to know. :) Today, let’s search the scriptures, for they testify of God, and help us to know him.
Monday, August 17, 2009
1 Thessalonians 5:16
"Rejoice evermore."
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Sincerely, doesn't this just sum it up? God wants us to be happy... and gives us every reason to be. So today, let's get rid of the shadows, clear our perspectives so that we can see the reasons to be happy, and get to some serious rejoicing. :)
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Sincerely, doesn't this just sum it up? God wants us to be happy... and gives us every reason to be. So today, let's get rid of the shadows, clear our perspectives so that we can see the reasons to be happy, and get to some serious rejoicing. :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Romans 12:1-5 -- On Being Transformed
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another."
Romans 12:1-5
I like the idea of transforming (growing, changing, becoming something better and cooler) rather than conforming (becoming the same as everyone else). :) But I am getting ahead of myself. :)
The first verse is great because it talks about a living sacrifice... like *living* for something, rather than dying for it. I think it usually takes a lot more effort to live for what you believe. And I think this "reasonable service" that God asks really IS reasonable. He knows what we can do, and he gives us the power to do it.
I like the renewing of your mind part too... sometimes we pack so much trash into our minds that we need some renewing... or sometimes we need some renewing just because our minds get darkened and we can't see the light clearly. But when our minds are renewed, we can see God's light clearly and there is no question what God's will is. And then, humility again... we shouldn't ever think that we are the supreme rulers of the universe and that everyone else is around to do our bidding. :) God has given us all different levels of faith... different gifts... and we NEED each other, in order to build our faith, share our gifts... and learn more talents. We might be the very best at something, but in other areas, we aren’t that great, and we need someone else to help us get closer to acceptable. :) We should never assume, just because we have so much to teach, that we have nothing to learn. Everyone has something that we need... and we have something that other people need. We build Zion together, and we succeed or fail, as a nation and as a community, together.
No-one is going to be saved alone... we work out our own salvation, but that effort involves other people... and nothing that we do affects only ourselves, though sometimes it would be nice to think so. God says, if ye are not one, ye are not mine. We all have to do our part, but as members of a team... a friendship, a family, a community... a nation, a church... a Zion people. In a very real way, we are part of each other, and need each other… the way that an arm needs an elbow, or a body needs a heart. Not optionally. :) Today, let’s work together with the people around us to build something positive, rather than trying to go it alone… let’s transform rather than conform. :)
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another."
Romans 12:1-5
I like the idea of transforming (growing, changing, becoming something better and cooler) rather than conforming (becoming the same as everyone else). :) But I am getting ahead of myself. :)
The first verse is great because it talks about a living sacrifice... like *living* for something, rather than dying for it. I think it usually takes a lot more effort to live for what you believe. And I think this "reasonable service" that God asks really IS reasonable. He knows what we can do, and he gives us the power to do it.
I like the renewing of your mind part too... sometimes we pack so much trash into our minds that we need some renewing... or sometimes we need some renewing just because our minds get darkened and we can't see the light clearly. But when our minds are renewed, we can see God's light clearly and there is no question what God's will is. And then, humility again... we shouldn't ever think that we are the supreme rulers of the universe and that everyone else is around to do our bidding. :) God has given us all different levels of faith... different gifts... and we NEED each other, in order to build our faith, share our gifts... and learn more talents. We might be the very best at something, but in other areas, we aren’t that great, and we need someone else to help us get closer to acceptable. :) We should never assume, just because we have so much to teach, that we have nothing to learn. Everyone has something that we need... and we have something that other people need. We build Zion together, and we succeed or fail, as a nation and as a community, together.
No-one is going to be saved alone... we work out our own salvation, but that effort involves other people... and nothing that we do affects only ourselves, though sometimes it would be nice to think so. God says, if ye are not one, ye are not mine. We all have to do our part, but as members of a team... a friendship, a family, a community... a nation, a church... a Zion people. In a very real way, we are part of each other, and need each other… the way that an arm needs an elbow, or a body needs a heart. Not optionally. :) Today, let’s work together with the people around us to build something positive, rather than trying to go it alone… let’s transform rather than conform. :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Words of Mormon 1:7
"And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will."
Words of Mormon 1:7
This is cool. It reminds me of Adam (Moses 5:6) when he was asked why he was offering sacrifices, and he said that he didn't know, except that God had told him to. The same thing is happening here with Mormon. He really has no idea why he including this particular selection of writings with his work, except that he knows God wants him to... and therefore, it is the wise thing to do. :) That is having faith like a child... trusting that what your dad says is absolutely right, even though you really don't understand the reasons. I think we could probably all use more of that. We get too cynical sometimes, and demand reasons for everything... when, with some things, there is just no way to know, or understand, until we have lived a little longer, and learned a little more. It is frequently that way with the challenges in my life... while they are happening I rarely understand, and almost never appreciate them... but afterwards, sometimes years afterward, I understand why I needed to go through whatever it was, and I see what it was preparing me for. I’m not saying that we can’t know or understand the gospel or the things that God asks us to do… in fact, most of the time I think that God’s work is a lot more comprehensible than we expect. God really does want us to understand. Just sometimes we aren’t ready yet, and we have a hard time seeing his perspective. In the end, even when we aren’t ready, it is important to remember that God knows what he is doing... I mean, he is God, after all. :) Today... let's work on that childlike trust, and remember that God is preparing us for great things, which really are there, even though we can’t currently see the future.
Words of Mormon 1:7
This is cool. It reminds me of Adam (Moses 5:6) when he was asked why he was offering sacrifices, and he said that he didn't know, except that God had told him to. The same thing is happening here with Mormon. He really has no idea why he including this particular selection of writings with his work, except that he knows God wants him to... and therefore, it is the wise thing to do. :) That is having faith like a child... trusting that what your dad says is absolutely right, even though you really don't understand the reasons. I think we could probably all use more of that. We get too cynical sometimes, and demand reasons for everything... when, with some things, there is just no way to know, or understand, until we have lived a little longer, and learned a little more. It is frequently that way with the challenges in my life... while they are happening I rarely understand, and almost never appreciate them... but afterwards, sometimes years afterward, I understand why I needed to go through whatever it was, and I see what it was preparing me for. I’m not saying that we can’t know or understand the gospel or the things that God asks us to do… in fact, most of the time I think that God’s work is a lot more comprehensible than we expect. God really does want us to understand. Just sometimes we aren’t ready yet, and we have a hard time seeing his perspective. In the end, even when we aren’t ready, it is important to remember that God knows what he is doing... I mean, he is God, after all. :) Today... let's work on that childlike trust, and remember that God is preparing us for great things, which really are there, even though we can’t currently see the future.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Doctrine and Covenants 62:1
"Behold and hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, your advocate, who knoweth the weakness of man and how to succor them who are tempted."
Doctrine and Covenants 62:1
I think this is interesting because so often I think we see God as too far off to really understand our lives and the challenges thereof. If we are tempted, we are reluctant to call upon God, thinking that he *won't* understand, especially with temptation in our minds, and that all we will get is anger or intolerance. Except, when we examine that viewpoint, those are be things that we would expect from ourselves or the similarly excessively flawed people around us... but it isn't what we should expect from God. Christ lived his life here, and knows what it is like... and as if that weren't enough, he also suffered for each of our sins. He knows *precisely* what we are each going through, and unlike ourselves, he knows what to do about it. He knows how to help us when we are tempted, and what to do about our weaknesses. There *is* a balm in Gilead. :) God can heal us of our infirmities of body, of mind, and of soul... and we will probably need all three quite often. :) But no matter how many times we need him, he helps us. God isn't a fair-weather friend. He is one of the very few who will be there whether you are lost or found, stormy or calm... alive or dead. :) I don't think that you can get more consistent than that. So, today... even if there is no one or nowhere else to turn (and unfortunately that is what it takes for us to choose God sometimes), God will still, and always, be there. Let’s go to him with our challenges and ask for his help.
Doctrine and Covenants 62:1
I think this is interesting because so often I think we see God as too far off to really understand our lives and the challenges thereof. If we are tempted, we are reluctant to call upon God, thinking that he *won't* understand, especially with temptation in our minds, and that all we will get is anger or intolerance. Except, when we examine that viewpoint, those are be things that we would expect from ourselves or the similarly excessively flawed people around us... but it isn't what we should expect from God. Christ lived his life here, and knows what it is like... and as if that weren't enough, he also suffered for each of our sins. He knows *precisely* what we are each going through, and unlike ourselves, he knows what to do about it. He knows how to help us when we are tempted, and what to do about our weaknesses. There *is* a balm in Gilead. :) God can heal us of our infirmities of body, of mind, and of soul... and we will probably need all three quite often. :) But no matter how many times we need him, he helps us. God isn't a fair-weather friend. He is one of the very few who will be there whether you are lost or found, stormy or calm... alive or dead. :) I don't think that you can get more consistent than that. So, today... even if there is no one or nowhere else to turn (and unfortunately that is what it takes for us to choose God sometimes), God will still, and always, be there. Let’s go to him with our challenges and ask for his help.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Proverbs 20:17
"Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel."
Proverbs 20:17
Bleah. That mental image/taste of gravel in my mouth. Ugh. This is great stuff, when you can picture it that clearly. :) I think it helps us to capture the fact that deceit has consequences. And, I don't know that there are any huge ponzi-schemers reading this, but deceit can be very small sometimes. Saying things in a way that will lead people to the wrong conclusion, even without actually lying. There are many, many ways to deceive... and I think that we all do it now and then. But in the end, little white lies are still lies, and no matter how small the deceit is, and how sweet it seems, it will turn out to be gravel in the end. Today, let's work on avoiding even the tiniest deceit. Even if it is hard, it is probably better than eating gravel, right?
Proverbs 20:17
Bleah. That mental image/taste of gravel in my mouth. Ugh. This is great stuff, when you can picture it that clearly. :) I think it helps us to capture the fact that deceit has consequences. And, I don't know that there are any huge ponzi-schemers reading this, but deceit can be very small sometimes. Saying things in a way that will lead people to the wrong conclusion, even without actually lying. There are many, many ways to deceive... and I think that we all do it now and then. But in the end, little white lies are still lies, and no matter how small the deceit is, and how sweet it seems, it will turn out to be gravel in the end. Today, let's work on avoiding even the tiniest deceit. Even if it is hard, it is probably better than eating gravel, right?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Revelation 3:15-16 -- On Decision and Commitment
"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
Revelation 3:15-16
This is interesting, and reminds me of some people I used to know who wondered if they were "fence sitters" during the war in heaven. I really don't think that is possible. I think the fact that we are here means that we chose, and actively worked towards a certain goal. And I think that is exactly what we have to do in this life as well. We have to make a choice. No matter how tempting inaction is sometimes, it is not enough to sit in the middle and say "well, if God exists, this, and if he doesn't, that..." or if you've gotten past that hurdle, there are tons more... Mormonism could be right or wrong, or this choice or that choice, or any choice at all... we can choose to not take a side and try to lurk around in the middle, hoping that we can jump one way or the other when we see which way things are going... or hoping somehow that we won't actually have to make a choice.
I think this scripture tells us that won't work. We need to make those choices... figure out what we believe and take a stand. That's hard sometimes, I know. Many choices are life-changing, and we don't want to get them wrong. So sticking with God, and making sure we include him in our decision-making process is important as well... but sometimes actually making the decision, and then asking God if it is okay with Him is a better idea than the way-harder-to-interpret "what should I do?" Today, let's try to be more decisive... even about little things like what to have for lunch, just for the practice. :)
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
Revelation 3:15-16
This is interesting, and reminds me of some people I used to know who wondered if they were "fence sitters" during the war in heaven. I really don't think that is possible. I think the fact that we are here means that we chose, and actively worked towards a certain goal. And I think that is exactly what we have to do in this life as well. We have to make a choice. No matter how tempting inaction is sometimes, it is not enough to sit in the middle and say "well, if God exists, this, and if he doesn't, that..." or if you've gotten past that hurdle, there are tons more... Mormonism could be right or wrong, or this choice or that choice, or any choice at all... we can choose to not take a side and try to lurk around in the middle, hoping that we can jump one way or the other when we see which way things are going... or hoping somehow that we won't actually have to make a choice.
I think this scripture tells us that won't work. We need to make those choices... figure out what we believe and take a stand. That's hard sometimes, I know. Many choices are life-changing, and we don't want to get them wrong. So sticking with God, and making sure we include him in our decision-making process is important as well... but sometimes actually making the decision, and then asking God if it is okay with Him is a better idea than the way-harder-to-interpret "what should I do?" Today, let's try to be more decisive... even about little things like what to have for lunch, just for the practice. :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Proverbs 20:5-6
"Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
Proverbs 20:5-6
I like this. I think that as we aspire to be people of understanding, that we should learn from the people around us. Not all of them are talkative, or will offer advice, but there is wealth of wisdom under the surface, and we have something potentially to learn from every person and every interaction. The next verse is great as well, and I think fits right in... in our same striving to be people of understanding, we should watch for pride. Focusing on ourselves is not the goal, but understanding the people and the world around us. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't feed ourselves, balance the checkbook, and take a shower now and then... but it does mean that we should be praising other people and finding the positive things about them, and the hope there is in the world, rather than spending every waking minute extolling our own virtues. :) Today, let's work on becoming people of understanding by focusing outward, and really finding the good in others, and recognizing, valuing, learning from, and complimenting it.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
Proverbs 20:5-6
I like this. I think that as we aspire to be people of understanding, that we should learn from the people around us. Not all of them are talkative, or will offer advice, but there is wealth of wisdom under the surface, and we have something potentially to learn from every person and every interaction. The next verse is great as well, and I think fits right in... in our same striving to be people of understanding, we should watch for pride. Focusing on ourselves is not the goal, but understanding the people and the world around us. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't feed ourselves, balance the checkbook, and take a shower now and then... but it does mean that we should be praising other people and finding the positive things about them, and the hope there is in the world, rather than spending every waking minute extolling our own virtues. :) Today, let's work on becoming people of understanding by focusing outward, and really finding the good in others, and recognizing, valuing, learning from, and complimenting it.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
Isaiah 1:18
I really love this... that God is willing to talk with us and figure things out together. I love that mental image of us just sitting down for a chat. He is the most powerful being around... the one who could legitimately just order us around or dismiss us, and still, he loves us enough to meet us on common ground and discuss. No matter how bad things are, he can save us, and help us out... but much, much more than that, he *wants* to. He is interested in our well being, and wants more than anything for us to take him up on his offer. It is amazing that such a powerful being cares about us that much... and on the other hand, it makes sense. We are his children. He has to let us walk on our own so that we can learn... but he is always there to pick up the pieces when we need help figuring out how to get out of the mess we've made for ourselves. He offers hope, and a new beginning. He can clean us completely and totally... as though we were reborn, rather than just washed. No wound, and no scar. Today, let's take him up on his offer, and start the process of cleaning up our lives in that incredible way that will eventually leave us perfect.
Isaiah 1:18
I really love this... that God is willing to talk with us and figure things out together. I love that mental image of us just sitting down for a chat. He is the most powerful being around... the one who could legitimately just order us around or dismiss us, and still, he loves us enough to meet us on common ground and discuss. No matter how bad things are, he can save us, and help us out... but much, much more than that, he *wants* to. He is interested in our well being, and wants more than anything for us to take him up on his offer. It is amazing that such a powerful being cares about us that much... and on the other hand, it makes sense. We are his children. He has to let us walk on our own so that we can learn... but he is always there to pick up the pieces when we need help figuring out how to get out of the mess we've made for ourselves. He offers hope, and a new beginning. He can clean us completely and totally... as though we were reborn, rather than just washed. No wound, and no scar. Today, let's take him up on his offer, and start the process of cleaning up our lives in that incredible way that will eventually leave us perfect.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
John 5:38-39
"And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
John 5:38-39
These verses are in the middle of a severe reprimand by Christ to some of the people that didn't believe him while he was on the earth... saying that if you had God's word within, that you would recognize a messenger from him. I think that is interesting, and true for us as well. If we have God's word abiding in us, then we will recognize the truth and the good things that God sends us when we come across them in life. ... And how do we have that word abiding in us? Part of it is prayer and communicating with our Father consistently... and a lot of it is what we are instructed to do in the next verse. Search the scriptures. They show God's dealings with man over the course of human history, and they can help us gain and internalize his word. If we become familiar with the scriptures, then the hand of God can become familiar to us as we experience this life. Today, let's work on internalizing God's word. Let's pray and talk to God, and also read his word. Work on recognizing his voice, and recognizing his hand in the world around us.... and in our own lives.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
John 5:38-39
These verses are in the middle of a severe reprimand by Christ to some of the people that didn't believe him while he was on the earth... saying that if you had God's word within, that you would recognize a messenger from him. I think that is interesting, and true for us as well. If we have God's word abiding in us, then we will recognize the truth and the good things that God sends us when we come across them in life. ... And how do we have that word abiding in us? Part of it is prayer and communicating with our Father consistently... and a lot of it is what we are instructed to do in the next verse. Search the scriptures. They show God's dealings with man over the course of human history, and they can help us gain and internalize his word. If we become familiar with the scriptures, then the hand of God can become familiar to us as we experience this life. Today, let's work on internalizing God's word. Let's pray and talk to God, and also read his word. Work on recognizing his voice, and recognizing his hand in the world around us.... and in our own lives.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
1 John 5:21
"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen."
1 John 5:21
There is so much going on in this chapter that I could write about today, but what struck me the most as I was reading was this last verse. At the end of a letter full of advice, this is the way that John signs off... telling the people to keep themselves away from idols. And it seems like pretty good advice for us as well. Probably very few of the people reading this have a golden calf set up in their homes that they pray to... but unfortunately, idols can be more subtle than that. Anything that we worship or value more than God can be an idol to us. That could be a job, a person, a car, a computer. It could be a drug, or pride, or just an attitude. Anything that gets in the way, that prevents us from giving all that we are to God... from doing all that he asks. Today, let's examine our lives and identify what is influencing us and keeping us from God. ... and then, let's take the advice of this scripture, and keep ourselves far away from whatever it is. Sometimes that thing needs to be eradicated from our lives... and sometimes we just need to readjust the parameters of the interaction. Either way though, while the object, person, or attitude remains an idol to us, we need that distance in order to think clearly and reevaluate our priorities. As Ezra Taft Benson said, if we put God first, then everything else will be able to fall into place, or fall out of our lives.
1 John 5:21
There is so much going on in this chapter that I could write about today, but what struck me the most as I was reading was this last verse. At the end of a letter full of advice, this is the way that John signs off... telling the people to keep themselves away from idols. And it seems like pretty good advice for us as well. Probably very few of the people reading this have a golden calf set up in their homes that they pray to... but unfortunately, idols can be more subtle than that. Anything that we worship or value more than God can be an idol to us. That could be a job, a person, a car, a computer. It could be a drug, or pride, or just an attitude. Anything that gets in the way, that prevents us from giving all that we are to God... from doing all that he asks. Today, let's examine our lives and identify what is influencing us and keeping us from God. ... and then, let's take the advice of this scripture, and keep ourselves far away from whatever it is. Sometimes that thing needs to be eradicated from our lives... and sometimes we just need to readjust the parameters of the interaction. Either way though, while the object, person, or attitude remains an idol to us, we need that distance in order to think clearly and reevaluate our priorities. As Ezra Taft Benson said, if we put God first, then everything else will be able to fall into place, or fall out of our lives.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Romans 14:19
"Let us therefore follow after the things that make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
Romans 14:19
I love this scripture because it is just a simple goal... let's cut down on contention, and build each other up instead. :) Maybe it's idealistic... but I like idealistic. Can we seek peace and edification *today?* Seriously, I think one of the biggest mistakes we make in this life is trying to do it ourselves. Of *course* we have to work out our own salvation, but God didn't say that we couldn't look on each other's exams. :) It isn't cheating, it's teamwork, right? An open-book test, and go ahead and talk to your neighbor... in fact... can we really get through the test without everyone else? Let’s not even try. When something is going wrong, God gives us other people. When everything is going right, and we are overflowing with joy... God gives us other people. :) We can pray with someone... exercise with someone... study with someone... review our days with someone. Compare notes... see how other people are dealing with life. Maybe we'll learn something. Maybe we have a hint or two we can share as well. Let's follow peace, edify each other, and build some Zion today. :)
Romans 14:19
I love this scripture because it is just a simple goal... let's cut down on contention, and build each other up instead. :) Maybe it's idealistic... but I like idealistic. Can we seek peace and edification *today?* Seriously, I think one of the biggest mistakes we make in this life is trying to do it ourselves. Of *course* we have to work out our own salvation, but God didn't say that we couldn't look on each other's exams. :) It isn't cheating, it's teamwork, right? An open-book test, and go ahead and talk to your neighbor... in fact... can we really get through the test without everyone else? Let’s not even try. When something is going wrong, God gives us other people. When everything is going right, and we are overflowing with joy... God gives us other people. :) We can pray with someone... exercise with someone... study with someone... review our days with someone. Compare notes... see how other people are dealing with life. Maybe we'll learn something. Maybe we have a hint or two we can share as well. Let's follow peace, edify each other, and build some Zion today. :)
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