Sunday, September 15, 2024

Psalms 6:9 -- On Prayer

"The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer."
Psalms 6:9

I really like this conclusion, which starts earlier in the Psalm, pleading for mercy. And in the end the Lord hears and grants the petition. ... It doesn't seem a long process to us, getting there in a short number of verses, but the author was clearly agonizing over it.

I think this is the same thing that happens in our lives. Life can be scary and hard sometimes, and we reach out for God and sometimes he is hard to find, because of our own mistakes or because we need to learn something, or perhaps for a reason we will only discover later. I think, like in Lehi's dream, the darkness and the storms will come, and we won't be able to see the way ahead, but if we cling to what the Lord has given us... scriptures, prayer, church, etc., eventually we will get to the same conclusion. The Lord loves us, and he will listen and grant us mercy.

Today, let's remember not to give up. Answers don't always come on the first try. Some answers take much longer, and some few might not even be answered in this life. But still the Lord hears, and if we persist and continue to ask in faith, the Lord will grant our petitions, or help us understand that he has something better in store.

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