Friday, March 11, 2022

Galatians 6:9 -- On Reaping a Better World

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due seasom we shall reap, if we faint not."
Galatians 6:9

I really like this, and I think that the more good we do, the more we can look forward to reaping a better world. Sometimes we get discouraged and feel like there is no payoff, or we don't see one. We focus on the negative in the world around us... and to be sure, there is always going to be negative, until Christ returns. But I think one of the reasons that God asks us not to be weary in this is that this is exactly how we build a better world... and how we find salvation. Line upon line, step upon step. Here a little and there a little. It's not the fastest way, but it is the best way, and one in which we can all participate.

Today, let's find good to do. Let's be kind to the people that we meet and make them smile. Let's offer compliments. Let's b generous. Let's leave the day, and the world, better than we found it. As we do, we'll be blessed, not only with that eventual better world, but with also with some good old fashioned happiness, which is the natural byproduct of doing good and helping other people. :)

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