Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Psalms 25:4 -- On God as Teacher and Guide

"Shew me they ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths."
Psalms 25:4

I like the idea here of the Lord as our teacher/mentor. Not that we should lose sight of him as God, of course, and start attributing mortal weaknesses to him, but he is also a personal God, and he loves us, and it's pretty cool that he is interested in teaching us one-on-one and guiding us in our lives.

Today, as we go through our day, let's think about what we need help on or advice about, and try to involve God in our lives a little bit more. As we do, and as we listen to the Spirit, I think we'll be surprised at how perfect God's advice is and how well he knows us, and how much he cares about even the smallest details of our lives. I also think that we might be surprised at how much easier it is to do God's will when we are talking to him all the time and getting tiny course corrections as we allow him to guide us in his paths.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of the difference of following closely and following at a distance. If you’re tailing someone, trying not to be seen, you stay at a distance. You take a chance that you will lose sight of your target, and chances are that your path will be indirect as you try to keep sight of your target while attempting to conceal yourself. On the other hand, if you’re following closely, your movements will more closely mirror the movements of the one you follow.


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