Wednesday, June 9, 2021

John 12:16 -- On Remembering and Understanding

"These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him."
John 12:16

The whole 'understood not at first, but later remembered' thing is one that I think we are all familiar with. It's the whole 20/20 hindsight thing, right? We don't understand what God's specific plan is even while we are living it, and don't always recognize it until afterward. Then, looking back it often falls into place, and we see God's genius and understand the overall plan, at least in part.

Maybe something we can learn from that is faith... the more we look back and see the plan, perhaps the more we can trust that the plan will always work, knowing that God really watches out for us and that things are going to be okay. I think that's one of the reasons that the scriptures often ask us to "remember" (Moroni 10:3 for instance), because we can learn similar things from the enlarged memory of the scriptures as well.

Today, let's take some time to look back and understand God's plan in our lives, and then look forward and trust him more. :)

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