Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mosiah 3:20-21 -- On Knowledge and Changing

"And moreover, I say unto you, that the time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
And behold, when that time cometh, none shall be found blameless before God, except it be little children, only through repentance and faith on the name of the Lord God Omnipotent."
Mosiah 3:20-21

This is a good reminder too, that when we know the truth, we are responsible for that, and we need to do something about it.  ... Just saying that makes it seem like some onerous task, but the truth is that embracing the truth can only make our lives better.  It isn't some horrible thing.  I think the "blame" part here is just that it's going to be our own fault if we don't accept God's offer to help us and clean up our lives.  We all need his help (except little children), because we make mistakes, and we choose bad things.  God is the reason that those bad things don't have to be on our consciences forever.

God gives us the chance to repent... kind of like a reset button or an extra life in a video game, right?  We can start again, replay the level.  Do it right this time.  We can't really rewind life, but we can make better choices in similar situations, and learn that lesson.  That's what repentance is about... God helping us to still be able to learn the lessons that we screw up on the first try.  Because of him, we can still progress and keep learning and master the things that are hard for us.

Today, let's work at not being responsible for our own downfall.  Let's clean up our lives.  Let's use the knowledge that we have of our Savior, and apply it to our lives.  Let's learn, so we can be brighter and better and blame and guilt-free. :)

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