Saturday, May 12, 2001

Psalms 104: 33-34

"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord."
Psalms 104: 33-34

I like this scripture, just because it feels happy.  In Sunday School the other day we were discussing the hymns, and why we should participate in the singing at church. :)  Some people who feel like they have bad singing voices were in favor of just reading the words. :)  I am not going to argue the point here, but I sing because I think that it lets my soul express itself so much better than just talking.  When I am excited and joyful about something, especially God, it is really hard to express myself in a non-emotional way, and I think that singing is ALL about emotion.  The words matter, but the fact that you are singing them matters too.  It isn't a speech or a sermon... it is flinging your feelings to the clouds, and letting God and everyone hear you doing so.  And singing *with* other people... being unified in that kind of emotion, that kind of message to the sky.  There are not many things better than that...
Anyway, today, if you have a chance, sing to the Lord.  And meditate and be glad too... silence can be sweet as well, if you are letting your soul sing. :)

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