Monday, May 21, 2001

Moroni 1:2-3

"For behold, their wars are exceedingly fierce among themselves; and because of their hatred they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ.
And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ; wherefore, I wander whithersoever I can for the safety of mine own life."
Moroni 1:2-3

This is interesting.  Dramatic circumstances can challenge the faith of even the strongest man... but Moroni stood his ground, even though he lost his family and the loss of an entire people.  I wonder if we would stand... if *I* would stand up to that test.  And, then, I wonder if I am standing now sometimes.  Maybe the constant battering of the waves is just as hard to stand against as the mightiest storm.  A few days ago, at work, I prefaced a  comment with "I don't mean to go all religious on you, but..." ...and you know, I *did* mean to go religious.  I *am* religious, and I love to talk about the scriptures and all the cool ideas of the gospel.  I shouldn't apologize for that.  So, today... wherever we are, whatever we are doing... let's remember to not deny the Christ.  He lives, and matters more than what anyone thinks, or says.  We should be proud to stand up for him... to talk of him, to rejoice in his gospel.  Not that we should be offending people on purpose either, mind you. :)  But, we can love the people around us and Christ too... they aren't mutually exclusive. :)

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