Wednesday, November 1, 2000

1 Nephi 15:3

"For he truly spake many great things unto them, which were hard to be understood, save a man should inquire of the Lord; and they being hard in their hearts, therefore they did not look unto the Lord as they ought."
1 Nephi 15:3

This struck me this morning, probably because I get confused a lot. :)  There are so many things that I can't figure out.  And it is frustrating when I am not all-knowing, like I want to be. :)  So, here is the answer... ask the Lord.  Now, of course... this is a little frustrating too, since the Lord knows how much I can handle and all, and knows that he has to teach me a little at a time, or I will get overwhelmed.  So, I can't just pray, "please let me know everything" ... I have to actually think about what I need to know, and do the work of communicating with the Lord about it.  Life is rough sometimes. :)  In all seriousness though, so many times we look for answers anywhere except with the Lord.  Or, we ask in passing things that are almost like "please let me know everything."  We need to get specific and personal with the Lord.  He is our Father, after all.  We can't treat him like a drive-up ATM and expect positive results.  "As they ought" makes a big difference in this scripture.  Sometimes we glance at the Lord, and expect that to fulfil the "Look unto me in every thought" command.  We need to sit down with him, spend some time... do the work that it takes to maintain that relationship.  It doesn't have to be formal... he likes to hang out with us while we are running errands, driving to work... anytime.  He just wants to be with us... spend time with us, talk about what is going on in our lives.  So, hang out with God today... tell him how cool it is to have him around.  Then maybe he'll share some of his wisdom, and add some humor and light to your day... just like any other perfect, all-knowing friend.  :)

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