Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Malachi 4:6

"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
Malachi 4:6

I like this scripture.  I think it is interesting that "heart" is singular in both cases... like all the fathers have one heart and all the children have another.  And maybe somewhere in that mystery of parenthood that has a lot of truth. :)  parents love their children in a certain way, and children love their parents in a certain way... and Elijah the prophet came to strengthen those bonds, across generations, and across silly earthly boundaries, such as death. :)  many times in the scriptures we are asked to remember how merciful God has been to our ancestors.  I think that we forget that sometimes, only thinking about what God "has done for me lately" and not what impact God had in the lives of our parents and grandparents and how miraculous it is that we are even here to think about it. :)  Learn from the past, so that we aren't doomed to repeat it.  If we could grasp some of the lessons that our families have learned... then maybe we could go on and learn some of the advanced lessons, and graduate from kindergarten early. :)  Unfortunately, we keep ignoring other people, and their interactions with God... and we insist on learning the hardest lessons in the hardest way.  Perhaps we should think about revising our strategy. :)

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