Tuesday, July 4, 2000

Alma 10:6 -- On Independence Day

"Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know; therefore I went on rebelling against God, in the wickedness of my heart, even until the fourth day of this seventh month, which is in the tenth year of the reign of the judges."
Alma 10:6

Independence Day.  You know, even if you aren't in the United States today, and even if this isn't your country's independence day, there is still a lot of significance to the whole idea.  For me, it is even more than a Country's freedom... I won an essay contest once with an Essay titled "Independence Day" which was about me trying to find a way to accept being alone. 

I think the whole idea of independence and freedom has to be rooted in the individual.  Independence from foul oppressors, of course... but independence from the shackles that we place on our own souls through sin... independence from unhealthy belief systems and unhealthy ways of interacting with people... independence from all of those things that prevent us from becoming better than we are, and going back to our Father.  We should celebrate the opportunities that we have to choose, the freedoms that God has given us, that no Country or organization can take away... freedom of conscience, freedom of belief... freedom to improve ourselves... to discover who we are, and to grow and learn and become better.  Freedom to influence the world for good.  To bless people's lives.  Freedom to love and lift up.  To shine, to dream... to fly. 

Amulek, in the scripture above, on the fourth day of the seventh month... just like today... chose to change his life, and found his freedom from sin and doubt.  That's what independence is... the freedom of choice.  We can choose, right now, to change our course.  Nothing is set in stone.  We don't have to become who we are becoming... we can choose anything.  Let's take a look at our lives.  Are we who we want to be?  If not... let's make the choice right now, to become better.  Let's get on our knees and ask God to help us.  Work at it.  God will help us... but we have to make the choice.  Let's exercise our freedom.   Happy independence day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your inspiration. Never thought of "Independence Day" like that and now I will think of it that way as well as share it. Thank you.


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