Sunday, July 30, 2000

Doctrine and Covenants 67:12

"Neither can any natural man abide the presence of God, neither after the carnal mind."
Doctrine and Covenants 67:12

Interesting, talking mentally not just physically... we have to let our spiritual selves win the battle in our bodies and our minds before we'll be able to go back into the presence of God.  And, you know... isn't it all about resisting something that we really don't understand?  We resist change because we aren't used to it... we need to retain some "control."  But if we would let go of the need to fight against God, we would learn so much faster.  It is mind-boggling that we are so scared of the possibilities.  We're so used to trying to play by the rules of this world that we can't conceive of higher laws, and greater possibilities.  If we keep resisting, maybe we will have a good life, as far as that goes... but if we open our minds, maybe we'll open ourselves to having a great eternity. :)  Wouldn't that be more fun?

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