Thursday, April 13, 2000

James 5:16

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
James 5:16

I think this scripture is all about community as well... we need to communicate with each other, not just about the weather, but about what is really going on in our lives... confessing our faults, and helping each other to succeed.  We need to pray for each other, asking the Lord... sometimes begging him... for intervention in the lives of the people that we love.  And right here it tells us that it matters.  God listens to us.  And the more we listen to God, the more likely it is that he will hear us quickly.  Sometimes the Lord tells us that he is slow to hear when we aren't doing what we should... when we are slow to hear him... but he still listens, and knows... and his arm is stretched out to save us.  the minute we reach our own arms out to him, we'll find that he makes up the rest of the distance.  In *any* case... prayer works.  Pray for yourselves... pray for strength, pray for a change of heart, pray for humility, compassion, opportunities to make a difference... pray for peace and happiness... and whatever you pray for, throw yourself into working for it... and God will be there too.  He loves us, he listens to us... and he wants us to communicate with each other and with him... blessing the lives of the people around us through good works, and prayer.

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