Monday, October 12, 2020

Alma 60:11 -- On Thrones and Talents

"Behold, could ye suppose that ye could sit upon your thrones, and because of the exceeding goodness of God ye could do nothing and he would deliver you? Behold, if ye have supposed this ye have supposed in vain."
Alma 60:11

This is a good reminder that we have to take action in our lives in order to make things happen and get to the happy ending.  It's like the parable of the talents (beginning in Matthew 25:14).  We can't just bury what we have in the dirt and expect that to be enough.  Coasting, or staying the same... that isn't why we're here.  We need to build on what we have, become more than we are--take advantage of this time on earth to learn and to grow, and to lift and help others.

I think part of the idea is also to understand others as well... if we follow Christ's path, that is something that was part of every action he took in his mortal existence.  He reached out to others who were different and who were sinners and outsiders and in popular and unpopular careers, and who had different views of the political intricacies of the time, etc.  And he loved them all, and invited them all to come unto him.

Today, let's get off of our thrones and reach out and make a difference.  Let's take action and do good.  It might not be easy to do so in more traditional ways right now, but let's not let that stop us.  Let's reach out in nontraditional ways, and find ways to touch lives and to learn and grow and become more like Christ.

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