Sunday, September 17, 2017

D&C 100:1 -- On Trusting God To Do As He Likes

"Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Sidney and Joseph, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power."
Doctrine and Covenants 100:1

This is an interesting verse.  Joseph and Sidney were praying to the Lord on behalf of their families, which they hadn't seen in several days.  And in this section, this is the only verse that addresses their concerns.  God tells them that their families are well, but doesn't guarantee their safety or wellbeing in the future, he only says "I will do with them as seemeth me good," which leaves it wide open... and then he launches into what he wants Joseph and Sidney to do in the area they are in.

This is not to say that he did not comfort the men at all.  I think the reminder that they were in his hands helps, and there are some cool verses in this section in that regard.  In verse 12 God tells them "let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end," and in verse 15 "let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly."  Those are some great comforting words. :)

So, why no assurances about their families?  I think the idea here is probably faith.  He's basically telling them (as he tells all of us from time to time), I know what I am doing, and I have this handled.  Whatever God's will is, that's what we need to accept.  Sometimes we, like Sidney and Joseph, find ourselves in situations where we are worried about something that we can't possibly control.  In situations like that, all we can do is turn to the Lord, trusting that he will be there when we can't be, and we have to recognize that God's will *is* always the right thing, even when it isn't what we wanted.

Today, let's remember that God will do "as seemeth [him] good" ... and that his will in all cases is going to be better overall, in an eternal sense, than however we wanted to control the situation.  We can, and should, prepare for whatever we can, but God has the rest handled.  It's not easy, but sometimes we have to let go of worries that we can't do anything about and leave it in God's hands.  As we listen to the Lord and focus on the things that are in front of us that we *can* do something about, he will bless us and help us to be able to make a difference.

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