Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2 Corinthians 5:15 -- On Escaping Ourselves

"And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again."
2 Corinthians 5:15

Always good to remember Christ's atonement.  We forget sometimes how miserable life would be without Christ, without his fulfillment of his father's plan... without his help.  Imagine this world without his influence.  Imagine our loved ones without his influence.  Sometimes we think we can make it alone.  I have felt that at times.  But whenever it actually happens, it's horrible.  I'm horrible.  I need my Savior in order to be my best self.  I think we all do.  He calms the storms of selfishness and pride.  He walks on the water of our afflictions to save us from drowning.  Sometimes we feel restricted by having to think about other people, but true freedom comes exactly this way... when Christ gives us the freedom and the calmness and the patience and the love that we need in our lives so that we can learn to live unto and for him and serve him, rather than trapping ourselves in our own cubicles of selfishness and pride, and living for ourselves alone.

Today, let's remember all that Christ has done, and does, for us.  Let's free ourselves from the chains we forge for ourselves, and like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, awake to a new life: one in which we realize how important it is to escape from living for ourselves, and start living for Christ, and blessing the lives of others.  Because of him, we can live again... physically *and* spiritually, if we are willing to make the change.

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