Friday, March 7, 2014

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 -- On God's Timing

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;"
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

I have a friend who likes to say "Timing is everything."  ... And so it seems to be, from this verse. :)  I think the thing to remember here is that the timing is God's timing, and not ours.  So often we are ready to jump into random life change #3, and even though we keep trying for it, it just doesn't seem to make sense or work out.  When we can take a step back, exercise our patience, and talk to God about it (and did I mention exercising patience?), then things fall into place.  Sometimes that can be frustrating, because we get our hearts set on one outcome, and we want it NOW, and God had a different one in store, and it isn't scheduled for a few months, or years, or whenever.  But when it happens, random life change #3 turns into less-random life change #7, with extra miraculous shininess.  And *then,* of course we can see all of the less-exciting things about #3, but before we saw #7, we couldn't think anything else could be quite that shade of cool.
Part of sticking with God and having faith in him is believing in his timing.  Things don't always happen on our schedules, and sometimes we aren't going to be sure what comes next.  But, with God, we *always* know that things will work out.  God wants us to keep making decisions and doing good... learning to be independent and happy.  And as we keep praying and learning and sticking with God, and keep having patience and faith, God will never fail us.  What God has in store for us will become clear.  And it will be better (and shinier) than we imagined.

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