Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Alma 46:18 -- On Avoiding Destruction and Finding Wholeness

"And he said: Surely God shall not suffer that we, who are despised because we take upon us the name of Christ, shall be trodden down and destroyed, until we bring it upon us by our own transgressions."
Alma 46:18

The idea here seems to be basically that God protects the righteous, and that destruction comes upon us through our own choices. I believe this is true, generally. It doesn't mean that every bad thing that happens to us is our fault though, or that if something bad happens that God hates us. The tapestry is vast and varied, and we all go through so many things that teach us and change us.

I think the core lesson here is that God loves us. He isn't going to give up on us unless we choose to quit and destroy ourselves. Until that happens, there is hope, because God can rescue us even from the most dire circumstances... and that even if those cirsumstances were self-inflicted. He can rescue the lost sheep and heal the wounded soul. He can make our glaringly scarlet sins as pure as snow. He is the answer to every problem, and the core of all that we learn and all we can become.

Today, let's turn to the Lord for protection and for help, even when it is ourselves that we are fighting, and let's let him into our lives, and learn more of him. He loves us, and through him we can be healed and saved, find peace... be made whole.

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