Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mark 9:40 -- On Enemies and Allies

"For he that is not against us is on our part."
Mark 9:40

I like the idea here that anyone not against us is on our side. I think that we often have a different perspective, thinking that everyone not affiliated with us is against us, and God's interpretation here is much better: anyone that isn't standing in our way is an ally.

Today, let's remember this and not make enemies of those Christ tells us are allies. Even if someone isn't living the way we are, or isn't a member of the church, if they aren't working against us, they are friends. I mean, and even if they are working against us, Christ asks us to love our enemies too, so it comes down to treating everyone well, but still, I think that this verse is a good one to keep in mind of only to change our perspective. If we truly work to see other people as our allies, we'll treat them better, be friendlier, more open and inclusive, and the world will be a better place for our efforts. Let's follow Christ in this, as in all things.

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