Friday, April 28, 2023

Genesis 7:5 -- On Blind Obedience

"And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him."
Genesis 7:5

This verse might seem mundane, but I think that this is pretty astounding, actually. I mean, building a boat in the middle of nowhere and filling it with some pretty scary animals... Noah was confident in what the Lord was telling him, even though it would make no "objective" sense to an observer. He trusted God even if he didn't understand why or always how. Those are big things in our lives as well. We don't always understand why we have to do the basics like reading our scriptures, praying, attending church, etc. We might understand other things even less. But the key here is trusting God, letting our knowledge that he lives guide our obedience and give us faith in his word.

Today, let's do as God asks. We aren't always going to understand immediately. God will help us understand as we learn more, but in the meantime, let's trust him as Noah, and the Brother of Jared, and Nephi all did... opening up new worlds of possibility and hope by following where God led, into the completely unknown. Some would disparagingly call that "blind obedience," but that kind of trust in something you know is true doesn't seem misguided to me. Compared to God, we *are* all blind, because we can't see the future possibilities laid out before us. God can, and he will lead us where we need to go, if we can be brave enough to trust him, and follow his directions as we walk into the unknown.

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