Sunday, July 19, 2020

JST Matthew 11:13 -- On Violence and Power

"But the days will come, when the violent shall have no power; for all the prophets and the law prophesied that it should be thus until John."
JST Matthew 11:13

This is an interesting verse from the Joseph Smith Translation, indicating that in a time to come "the violent shall have no power," which really struck me today.   We get frustrated sometimes when change isn't happening fast enough, and we want to force it somehow, but this is a good reminder that violence is not the answer.  In order to have the Lord's help, we need to do things the Lord's way.

The Lord has commanded his people to do violent things in the past (think Nephi being instructed to kill Laban), but it seems to always be as a last resort, when there is no other way to accomplish his will, and most importantly, only when he commands.  God prefers that we accomplish things through love and patience whenever it is possible. :)

Today, let's not give in to violent desires, but rather work on our patience and faith, working with and trusting in God to find a better way to solve our problems.  He has the true power.  Things will get better as we pray and work with God, and this promised day will come, when the violent will have no power at all to disturb out joy. :)

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