Monday, June 1, 2020

John 6:15-17 -- On Popularity and Isolation

"When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea,
And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them."
John 6:15-17

These verses are interesting for a lot of reasons.  One of them is that Christ could have become a king.  Sure there were obstacles, but he had the support of the people, and he could have played on that and become great, at least as politicians are measured.  Instead though, he walked away.  I think this emphasizes what Christ is about.  He isn't playing for popularity.  He is reaching out to us to try to teach and help and make our lives better.  After this, some of that crowd found him again and he explained to them that they weren't looking for him for the right reasons.  Do we look to him for the right reasons?  Maybe a good thing to think about.

I also like the idea here that Christ needed some time by himself.  He was likely communing with God, as he was all the time, so not alone in that sense, but away from mortals at least. :)  I think this helps us to realize that there are times for everything in life... times to gather together and times to separate ourselves, and both are okay and sometimes needed.

Today, let's look to God as our father, teacher, life coach, and especially our God rather than as a politician, or a wish-granting genie. :)  God wants to give to us and help us, and he has miracles in store, but they are going to be on his terms, not because he needs our vote. :)  And let's be more patient with ourselves and others.  We all need to learn social grouping and social isolation, and none of us are perfect at either one. :)  God wants us to learn about ourselves and about others and the world, to learn love and to learn independence.  Let's look to him, whatever our circumstances, and seek his help.

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