Saturday, September 2, 2017

D&C 1:31 -- On Sin and Cinderella

"For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance;"
Doctrine and Covenants 1:31

This is a great verse that reminds us that sin isn't just something that we can learn to accept in our lives, or that God will ever accept from us.  It needs to be rejected, and we really do need to change.

Those are important things to remember.  On the other hand though, I think sometimes we take this verse (and the similar one in Alma 45:16), and think that they mean that when we sin that God hates us or that sin makes us into worthless slugs.  Neither is true.

When Cinderella wanted to go to the Ball, but she was dirty and gross from cleaning, and didn't have an appropriate gown, her grunge and lack of resources didn't make her a bad person, and the royal family never personally hated her, or she wouldn't have gotten in, even after washing and changing. :)

Similarly, we aren't slugs because we sin... and God does not hate us.  We still have to clean up our lives and repent.  We still have to prepare and find the resources that we need in order to change, grow, multiply our talents, and magnify our callings.  We still will not get into the the Ball (or Heaven) if we are not clean and prepared.  But in the meantime, God loves us, and wants to help us.

The Spirit is like the Fairy Godmother in the story, helping us know how to do the things that are necessary before we ask for admittance.  And God gives us the power to do the impossible... to transform ourselves from dirty kitchen wench into princess.  He knows our potential, even under the grime (and sin).

Today, let's remember that we do need to change, and to not be complacent about that, but also that there is no need to hate ourselves during the process.  Let's look to our Father, who loves us and will help us, and who will teach us to change and grant miracles in our lives, if we will just keep trying.  Cinderella might be fictional, but she can teach us a lot about courage and determination in spite of obstacles.  Let's do as she did, and get clean and ready, so that we too can live our dreams.

1 comment:

  1. It sure makes sense to me.
    Sin doesn't replace love.
    Sin is temporary,but love is permanent,so are the children of God.AMEN 👍.


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