Friday, November 22, 2002

Psalms 4:5

"Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord."
Psalms 4:5

This is interesting... I think that a lot of the times we think that if we are being righteous, that we shouldn't have to sacrifice anything... that being good should make life easy.  Not so, however.  This almost makes it sound like being righteous IS a sacrifice... which it could be depending on your perspective because there are a lot of things that we have to sacrifice in order to be righteous.  But even beyond that, I think that we all have tests in life where we have to sacrifice things that aren't bad.  We have to learn to deal with loss, and learn to put God's will before our own, and those lessons come no matter how righteous we're being. :)  The key is the second part of the verse... put our trust in the Lord.  He always has a reason, and even if we can't figure it out, he is wiser than we are. :)

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