Sunday, November 24, 2002

2 Corinthians 3:2

"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men."
2 Corinthians 3:2

This is interesting to me this evening because I got a great email from a good friend of mine in Arizona today, telling me how one of my scripture of the day messages helped her see something a different way.  I think one of the things that this scripture is saying is that what we do and the way that we treat other people is what matters, and what will precede us in life.  Letters of recommendation and glowing resumes won't matter in the face of a bad word from someone you used to work with... like that.  And I know that I have set a bad example numerous times in my life... and sometimes I worry that I have done more harm than good.  So, I suppose that today's email helped me to remember the other side, and hopefully I will keep trying to sway the balance towards the positive.  We do make a difference in each other's lives, and the more we can bring about good in others' lives, the better off we'll be. :)  Let's be a force for good today, and send out good letters. :)

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