Saturday, July 28, 2018

Alma 3:27 -- On God's Wages

"For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey, and this according to the words of the spirit of prophecy; therefore let it be according to the truth. And thus endeth the fifth year of the reign of the judges."
Alma 3:27

I like the analogy here of receiving wages from God or Satan (whoever we obey).  It is a good reminder that this life, by design, presents us with opposition.  Both sides are going to be enticing, and the choices that we make are the people that we become. 

Whoever we choose will reward us with wages, but obviously some wages are better than others.  God's wages are transformation, salvation, hope, and everything else that leads us to good and helps us become good.  Satan's are disappointment, bondage, and tragedy, among other slimier things. I imagine Satan's wages look quite shiny on the surface, but underneath they are unappetizing sludge.  And no one wants that.

Today, let's remember that we work for God.  Let's be obedient to him so that we can become the awesome people that we can be with his help, and avoid slipping into working for Satan, even part time.

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