Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Psalms 46:10 -- On Stillness and Anti-Drama

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalms 46:10

I like the commandment here to be still. Stillness, the way God asks it here, is not laziness. It is focus and peace. It is about learning and knowing the Lord. I think it is the anti-Drama. We overthink things and get anxious and fearful, but if we can learn to be calm/still and remember that God is watching over us, and trust in him, we would do a lot less running around like crazy people and more focusing on what is important and relevant. We'd be closer to the Lord, and more confident in his gospel and how it works in our lives.

When God talks about his desolations (verse 8), he isn't trying to scare us, but rather prepare us so that we don't freak out, but remember that it is all part of the plan, he is in control, and things will happen as they should. Today, let's work on being still and trusting the Lord's power and promises. He will do as he says, and as we learn of him, and stick with him and learn his ways, he will help us and lead us to joy.

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