Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Mormon 7:7 -- On Fallibility, Humility, and Repentance

"Know ye that ye must come unto repentance, or ye cannot be saved."
Mormon 7:7

This is a good reminder that we are all fallible... that we need improvement, that we need help and guidance. That knowledge helps us to be humble and learn to accept help instead of thinking that we can do it all alone, or that we don't need God. That knowledge is also essential so that we can learn to repent--to admit that we often don't know what we are doing, and with God's help to change ourselves so that we aren't the people who made those mistakes anymore. Let's be humble and repentent today. Let's remember our fallibility, and God's infallibility, and get his help in repenting and doing all we can to improve, and heal where we have harmed, and thank God for his atonement that allows us to grow and change and which eventually can resolve all of the problems we created and can't undo.

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