Saturday, February 3, 2024

Revelation 16:20 -- On Islands, Mountains, and Trust

"And every island fled away, and the amountains were not found."
Revelation 16:20

I've talked about this before, but verses like this are hard to wrap your mind around. No islands or mountains? That sounds like a wildly catastrophic event... and sort of sad for me because I like islands and mountains.

That feeling is good in some ways, because it helps us remember that God can see and do things on a level that we can't even imagine... but I think also that we are going to have to get over our unbelief, because when catastrophic things do happen to us... and all of us go through catastrophe at some point, whether physical or otherwise... at some point we are going to have to trust that all of this is part of the plan. Otherwise, how do we survive tragedy? God is the one that can make sense of it for us, and who can restore our hope.

Today, let's remember that when catastrophe happens, predicted in the scriptures or not, that God is still in charge, and that he will help us and still guide us to our happy ending (and eternity). :)

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