Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Jarom 1:11 -- On Looking Forward

"Wherefore, the prophets, and the priests, and the teachers, did labor diligently, exhorting with all long-suffering the people to diligence; teaching the law of Moses, and the intent for which it was given; persuading them to look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in him to come as though he already was. And after this manner did they teach them."
Jarom 1:11

I love the idea here of looking forward to the coming of Christ ahead of time, as though that historic event had already happened. Now it has, and we can live knowing that Christ's atonement has happened, but perhaps the principle of looking forward still applies. If we live our lives as though the things that God has promised have already come to pass, then we will be actively living the redemption that God has promised, finding the joy that he offers us all around us, and making heaven out of our earth lives... as the city of Zion did, establishing a peice of heaven where they were.

Today, let's look forward and trust in the things to come that God has promised, and live our lives as though we were already the people that we want to be, and that we can become with God's help. Let's project our lives forward and be the Celestial people that we can be, as much as possible, now.

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