Saturday, October 28, 2023

Galatians 5:22 -- On the Fruit of the Spirit

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith"
Galatians 5:22

This verse explains some of the fruits of the Spirit, and so if we want the things on that list... love, joy, peace, etc. then getting and keeping the Spirit in our lives is the path. There are so many other ways that the Spirit helps us as well... teaching us, helping us remember, etc. That connection with God is really the answer to pretty much everything.

The challenge is that we need to make some real effort to have the Spirit with us in our lives. The Spirit doesn't hang out with us when we are angry or have negative thoughts about someone. We have to work on our lives and put in some time getting our heads and hearts in the right place.

That doesn't mean that God can't help us with that process, because he totally will if we ask him sincerely... but even that takes some work, because we actually have to want to change, and be willing to accept the Lord's help, even if He suggests something that we don't want to do. Today, let's sit down with the Lord and put in the effort to walk with the Spirit. As we do, the fruits of that companionship will become apparent in our lives. It's more than worth the effort... we just have to talk ourselves into it. :)

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