Friday, April 2, 2021

Psalms 90:12 -- On Numbering Our Days

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
Psalms 90:12

I know this kind of sounds like the familiar phrase "your days are numbered," used as a threat in old westerns, but I think that the idea here is more along the lines of "seize the day," or at least a reminder that we should be using our time on things that matter... as though we had a very limited time to be alive and wanted to fit a lot of important life things in. :)

I don't think that it means to focus only on today and ignore future consequences, of course.  God usually advocates for long-term thinking and making sure that we focus on what will help us from an eternal perspective.  I also don't think it means that relaxing, hanging out with friends and family, or taking time to manage our stress and anxiety is "wasted" time.

Perhaps the idea here is that we often spend too much time on things that don't matter, and too little time on things that do, and if we watched our time a little more closely, we'd probably be able to make time for cooler things and projects that we've wanted to move forward on, but which we haven't planned into the schedule.

Today, let's think about what we want to do and be, and let's talk to God about some of those long term plans... and then set aside a little time each day to follow those dreams, and make them reality.  As we learn to number our days just a little bit more, perhaps we'll find our way to more wisdom and a greater sense of accomplishment in our lives.

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