Monday, February 15, 2021

Romans 1:16 -- On Being Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
Romans 1:16

I like this statement by Paul, and I wonder if sometimes we are ashamed, looking for excuses to fit God's way into the perspective of the world, rather than the other way around.

I'm not saying that we have to be satisfied with a "because he said so" reason for our belief, or that we shouldn't find the reasons behind what God says... I think we should.  I think the point here though is that we are looking to God for those answers, and understanding that we need to investigate *God's* reasons for what he does, not be trying to fit the gospel into what the world is looking for, or into what we individually are looking for.

I think we all have parts of the gospel that we aren't going to understand at first, and maybe not even agree with... but the gospel isn't about how to fit God into our lives.  The gospel is truth, and it must be worked around.... and the more we understand it, and fit our lives to it, the more we will understand God, and the universe. :)

Today, instead of getting on social media and using one of those "#notmy" hashtags to tell everyone what we don't love and don't believe in, let's look into our hearts, and work with God, and understand better what we do believe in, and what God is all about.  He will help us understand, and love, the gospel as we learn more about it, and him.

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