Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Moses 3:3 -- On Resting and Taking Time for Others

"And I, God, blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it I had rested from all my work which I, God, had created and made."
Moses 3:3

I really like the idea of God resting.  I don't think it necessarily means that he gets weak and *has* to rest, but more that he chooses to rest sometimes.  It seems to imply that it is okay to relax and recharge sometimes, as long as we are progressing and getting things done.  And maybe even more than okay... maybe God sets us an example so we know that it is good to rest at times, to refresh ourselves, spend quality time with other people, and de-stress.

I definitely am not knocking work.  That is important, and we need to be anxiously engaged in making the world a better place.  But kicking back with family and friends is also okay sometimes, and those times are important because they encompass loving other people as well, and showing others that we care enough to take time for them is important.

That applies to God as well, which is what the main part of this verse is about... setting aside time for God, and showing that he is a priority in our lives.  I think that keeping the Sabbath Day holy might be a lot easier if we thought about it as spending quality time with God doing the things that he likes, rather than about the things that *we* want that we can or cannot do.  This sabbath, let's try it. :)

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